The City of Spooner Municipal Court is generally held on the 3rd Thursday, following the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m.

City Hall - Spooner, WICourt is held at Spooner City Hall, 515 N Summit St., in the Council Chambers.

Presiding Judge is Honorable Katherine M. Stewart.

City Prosecutor is Jeffrey Kohler.

Fines for municipal citations are generally due within 60 days of the court date.

Payments should be mailed to the address listed below.  It is important to include your Citation Number, Name, Current Mailing Address, Initial Court Date and Date of Birth with your payment to assure proper processing. You may pay in person at Spooner Police Department or Spooner City Hall.

There are penalties for non-payment of fines, ranging from the suspension of your driver’s license or other state issued licenses to incarceration for contempt of court.

Questions or concerns regarding your citation and case proceedings should be directed to the Clerk of Court,

Dawn Richter, by calling 715-635-7738.

Payments and Correspondences should be sent to the following address:

Spooner Municipal Court

515 N Summit Street

PO Box 548

Spooner, WI 54801

Be sure to include your Citation Number and the Court Date with your payment to assure proper handling.